
The role of the family physician in prevention of malnutrition among the adolescents


Last updated: 06 Feb 2023




Family Medicine


Ghubashi, Maha M. , Shawqi, Maysa M.


Abou-El-Magd, Heba El-Desouqi


2017-07-12 06:40:36


2017-07-12 06:40:36


M.Sc. Thesis


Healthy and full-value nutrition influences a person's physical, mental development, workingcapacity, and life expectancy.Aim of Work: Promotion of nutritional status of a group of adolescent student girls in NursingSchool KasrAl Ainy, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.Methods: A purposeful sample of 100 student girls in 1st academic grade of Nursing School KasrAl Ainy, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University (aged 16 years) completed on assisted selfadministeredquestionnaire. Collected data included personal, socioeconomic and dietary historyand assessment of the knowledge about healthy nutrition among the studied adolescent girls in threephases (pre, early post and late post intervention).Results: The mean score for correct knowledge of the studied group reached its highest level at latepost test phase intervention (94.2 ± 8) and at early posttest (90.0 ± 12.6) as compared to its level atpretest phase (79.6 ± 11.8).More than half of the participants were classified as normal regardingthe BMI (57.0%), (19.0%) of them were classified as underweight, and the minority wereoverweight and obese (24.0%). A statistically significant difference in knowledge of the studiedadolescent girls at pre, early post and late post intervention, about the components of the healthydiet, more caloric needs during adolescence, increased body needs from proteins, iron and calciumduring adolescence, and the physiological value of proteins was found. The knowledge of thestudied group that balanced diet doesn't lead to obesity was better at late posttest than at earlyposttest and finally at pretest (P3 = 0.001).The mean score for knowledge was significantly higheramong students whose mothers held a governmental job in the pretest phase (84.0 ± 8.70 P =0.046) and early post test phase (92.0 ± 7.75 P = 0.005).Conclusion:Role of family physician in prevention of malnutrition among adolescent girls byformulating nutrition education messages in order to improve knowledge and behaviors related tohealthy diet and physical activity among adolescents.Recommendations:Recommendations derived from the current research aim at health promotionfor students in Nursing School Kasr Al Ainy, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University by: Conductingregular nutritional assessments and screening of the nutritional status for all students for earlydetection of any nutritional problem.Designing of health and nutrition education programs aiming athealth promotion and encouragement of healthy eating behaviors under the supervision ofspecialized staff members.Providing a healthy balanced diet to the nursing school studentscontaining the most nutritional items like iron, vitamins and proteins during the studying day.


1 Jan 2012





Created At

28 Jan 2023