PBMV has become a safe and effective therapeutic option in a wide range of patients with mitral stenosis, and thus appears to be an attractive therapeutic alternative to surgery in patients who are good candidate for commissurotomy. PBMV can be done safely in cardiac catheterization labrotaries percutaneously without general anesthesia, with relatively low risk and patients can leave the hospital 24 hours after the procedure.Both The short and long term results of percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty were similar to or even better than results of surgically closed mitral commissurotomy. However, some complications had been reported with PBMV but those complications are low especially with increased operator experience.The aim of this study was to see the effect of PBMV in mitral valve area immediate improvement, regression during one year after initial improvement and the factors affecting both improvement and regression. Also the study evaluated NYHA improvement post PBMV. The study aimed to see the mortality and complications of the procedure and need for revalvotomy and surgery throughout one year of follow-up