Melanoma antigen encoding gene-A3 (MAGE-A3), also calledcancer/testis (CT) antigen, is a member of MAGE-multigene familywhich is located on the long arm of the X chromosome and its expressioncan be caused by promoter region demethylation. The MAGE-A3proteins' functions are unknown but it was found to play a role in cellcycle progression, transcriptional regulation and drug resistance.The present work aims to study the frequency of expression ofMAGE-A3 on the transcriptional level in fresh leukemic blasts cellsisolated from patients with acute myeloblastic leukemia to define its rolein the development of AML as well as to evaluate future probableapplication in tumor - immunotherapy.This study included 40 de novo AML patients as well as 30 age andsex matched normal healthy subjects as a control group. They were allsubjected to reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)assay for detection of MAGE-A3 gene expression.Our study revealed that 23 AML patients (57.5%) expressed theMAGE-A3 gene, while none of the control group subjects (0%)expressed this gene. It was found that MAGE-A3 gene expression wasassociated with increased risk of AML with OR 2.763 and 95% CI 1.890-8.041.Conclusion: MAGE-A3 gene expression may have a clinicalrelevance and important role as a risk factor in the development of AML.