Many variations in surgical techniques for C.S. delivery have been proposedaiming at reducing surgical time, making the surgery easuer and more efficient.Temporary removal of theuterus from the abdominal cavity (exteriorization ofthe uterus) to facilitate repair of the uterine has been postulated as a valuable technique.This work was conducted on 60 women who were undergoing an elective casarean delivery at full term.Those cases had been randomly allocated into 2 grops regarding the technique ofrepair of the uterine incision during the casarean delivery whether in situ uterine repair or exterioriorization of the uters for repair.We recommended in this study, exterioization of the uterue is brtter than the in siturepair as regard shortening the time of repair and decreasing the postoperative drop in the hematocrit and hemoglobin, but it increases the post operative nausea, vomitingand requirements for analgesia.