These are all opiate-receptor agonists they stimulate the firing of opiatereceptors to produce the effects on mood and behavior. Opiates are clearlyinvolved at a very basic level of sexual function, from early in the evolutionarychain, with effects on endocrine (hormone) function found in human andanimal studies. In human subjects opiate therapy or abuse is widely associatedwith loss of libido (sex drive) .Opiates may shift the blood circulation fromgenital organs to other organs and this may cause sexual disorders like erectiledysfunction Opiates can suppress testosterone production Chronic use ofopiates had long been associated with lower levels of androgens, hypogonadism,adrenal dysfunction, pituitary dysfunction, reduced bone mineral density, andgrowth-hormone abnormalities. In addition, some studies had suggestedabnormalities in glucose and lipid metabolism among opiate users. Studies hadshown that long-term opiate use may lead to opiate induced hypogonadism,resulting in significantly decreased testosterone levels in men .