Because of its central location, the nose is an important element in the facial aesthetics. The size and the shape is conditioned by the volume and strength of the osteocartilaginous framework and the thickness of the soft tissue cover. The nose is primarily an organ of function. Because the steps in rhinoplasty are so inter-related, it is difficult to separate form from function in outcome. The otolaryngological surgeon expands considerable effort in an attempt to improve the form and preserve the function in rhinoplasty. Septorhinoplasty is the most difficult and complicated procedure in facial plastic surgery. Because of the complex interdependency of the anatomical parts, alteration of one my have an impact on another. Three- dimensional relationships are important, as is the maintenance of a proper framework for the internal and external nose. Form and function are completely interwoven in septorhinoplasty. The goal of rhinoplasty should not be necessary a small nose but a nose which is well balanced with the face and fits with the individual. There are two approaches for rhinoplasty , the closed approach which for many years was the only possibility for correction of the most nasal deformities as excision of the deviated cartilage and portions of the maxillary crest & vomer. Although it is not the only alternative to difficult nasal problems. However excellent exposure of the nose is possible using the open rhinoplasty technique.