Pulmonary tuberculosis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, resulting in the greatest number of deaths due to any one single infectious agent. An estimate of drug resistance is extremely important in the epidemiology and control of tuberculosis. The aim of this study is to detect the incidence of drug resistance among newly diagnosed cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. This study was conducted on 50 sputum samples collected from patients newly diagnosed as tuberculous sputum positive. Each patient was subjected to full history taking, clinical and radiological examination and bacteriological study including microsscopical examination of Z.N stained smears of sputum before and after concentration and decontmination by NALC – NaoH method, culture on L-J. Drug susceptibility testing were done for isolated strain using 5 antituberculous drugs , INH , SM, RMP, EMB and PZA by drug incorporation method . Our study showed that from 50 patients newly diagnosed as sputum + ve tuberculosis, 37 patients (74%) had no drug resistance, 16% had single drug resistance and 10% of patients had double drug resistance. The rate of resistance was 10 %, to pyrazinamid, 8% to INH (6% moderately resistant, 2% highly resistant), 8 % to rifampicin (6% moderatly resistant and 2% highly resistant) and 4% moderately resistant to streptomycin 4% highly resistant to it. 2% to ethambutol. The results show that the problem of primary drug resistance of mycobacterium tuberculosis is serious.