
Contemporary status of cesarean delivery


Last updated: 06 Feb 2023




Obstetric &Gynecology


El-Tamami, Medhat M. , Aly, Ahmad M. , Abdel-Ghany, Abdel-Ghany M.


El-Alem, Muhammad Salem


2017-04-26 12:37:45


2017-04-26 12:37:45


M.Sc. Thesis


Background: This study has been done in Abu Hammad Hospital, Obstetricsand Gynecology Department in The period between April and October 2009 on allpatients who was admitted to Obstetrics Department.Objective: The main goal of this study is a comprehensive study of cesareandeliveries regarding incidence, indications, complications and factors that contributeto the increase of the rate.Subjects &Methods: All pregnant women who admitted with labour pain wereobserved for obstetric outcome as regard to age, parity, mode of delivery, medicaldisorders, postpartum complications, postpartum hospital stay and neonatal outcome.All data were collected from the files of the patients, tabulated and figured. This studyincludes 332 patients who were admitted with labour pains.Results: The results of this study are presented in Tables (2-17) and Figures(13-17). It is found that total numbers of patients who were admitted in labour was(332). Rate of CS increased up to 40.15% in Abu Hammad hospital and this is due toprevious CS, fetal distress, cephalo-pelvic disproportion, delay in childbirth andreduced parity, decrease in rate of vaginal breech delivery, short period betweenPregnancies especially if previous delivery by CS and fear of complications that mayoccur to the scar of the uterus during trial of vaginal delivery after CS, in addition tomedical complications that may occur with increased age for the mother.Conclusion: Rate of cesarean section in Abu Hammad Hospital in the periodfrom April to October 2009 was (133 = 40.1%), the cesarean section patient wereclassified according to causes of cesarean section, it has been found that (35.3%) dueto previous CS, (21.8%) due to fetal distress, (15%) due to medical disorder, (9%)due to unknown Indication, (4.5%) due to CPD, (4.5%) due to malpresentations &malpositions, (5 = 3.8%) due to Breech, (2.3%) due to maternal request, (1.5%) dueto precious baby, (0.8%) due to Post-date without labor pain, (0.8%) due to soft tissueobstruction, (0.8%) due to elderly primigravida. In this study a medical disorder orcondition associated with pregnancy and complications were increased significantlyin cesarean section group than vaginal delivery group. The hospital stay alsoincreased significantly in cesarean section group than vaginal delivery group. Asregard gravidity, premature rupture of membranes and the mean of age of the patientsparticipating in the current study, there were no statistically significant differencesbetween both groups of the study.


1 Jan 2009





Created At

28 Jan 2023