Review of literature regarding the different types of endoscopes used in lacrimal procedures.Also types of laser used in treating obstruction at different levels.In this essay demonstration of the value of endoscopy in the following : follow up of the patency of DCR by endoscopic visualization of the ostium and fluorescein in the ostium.Guided endoscopic DCR as a simple and safe option for the treatment of nasolacrimal duct obstruction .Role of nasal endoscopy in repeated pediatric nasolacrimal duct probings.Also demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of endoscopic DCR in treating persistent nasolacrimal duct obstruction in infants and young children when simple probing, intubation or balloon procedures have failed.Use of endoscopy as a preoperative transillumination of the lacrimalsac in endonasal DCR with endoscopic guidance.Intubation of the nasolacrimal duct in children under endoscopic contrl.