Cesarean section after premature of rupture membrane incidence, indication and follow up after36 weeks. In this study, (3945) cesarean deliveries were performed during 2009. A total of selective randomized sample (882) women were involved to the study (483) from rupture of membrane (CS) after 36 weeks and (399) from intact membrane (CS) after 36weeks of department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Cairo University Kasr Al-Aini hospital. From our study we concluded that cesarean section occurred for women of different ages commonly between 20 – 35 years. The most common indications were repeat CS, fetal distress, dystocia, and breech presentation. Repeat cesarean is the major indication in both intact and rupture group and the most common indication was fetal distress of rupture group. The most common gestational age of the mother delivered by CS was (37 -40 weeks) in both intact group and rupture group. Post operative stay was mainly between three to five days in both rupture and intact group and more hospital stays of rupture group and less with intact group. The highest rate was 1-6h and the lowest rate <24h of duration of rupture membrane of mother delivered by cesarean section. Rupture group is more than intact group of NICU admission of the neonates of the mother delivered by cesarean section. Weight of fetus in both intact group and rupture group of membrane of her mother were done CS is the highest rate of group 3-4kg but >4kg and <2kg were more done CS of mothers in rupture group.