This study included preparation of three crude hydatid antigens from hydatid cysts of camels. These antigens include, germinal antigen, protoscolices antigen and fuid antigen. At the same time dogs were experimentally infected with hydatid cysts for production of Echinococcus granulosus gravid segments.The prepared antigens were injected in rabbits to produce hyperimmune serum and then induction of infection was done by oral inoculation of gravid segments into the vaccinated rabbits.The level of immune response was evaluated via:-Tracing the IgG level in sera of vaccinated rabbits compared to control groups.-Estimation of cellular response, mainly TLC lymphocytic count and eosinophils.-Post-mortum examination of rabbit viscera for hytadid cysts.These methods of evaluation of immune response revealed that the germinal antigen showed highest level of protection followed by the protscolices vaccine and lastly was the fluid vaccine.