Galal, Samir A., Saqr, Wael R., Abdel-Hasib, Ayman R.
Abdel-Sadeq, Walid Saeid
2017-03-30 06:23:43
2017-03-30 06:23:43
M.Sc. Thesis
The groin defect is important to be coverd immediately to protect the femoral vessels (femoral artery, vein and nevers)We have variable choices for the coverage as :1-Tensor fascia lata myocutaneous flap for easily elevation and closing the donor site.2-Rectus femoris myocutaneous flap.3-Sartorius myocutaneous flap.4-Rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap.Vascular repair is must done as early as possible in the form of (vein patch graft, interposition saphenous vein graft) for saving the overlying flap. Last we must observe the flap for any complication as heamatoma or seroma or others.