Purpose: We assessed the diagnostic value of whole body magnetic resonance imaging (WB MRI) using diffusion weighted images (DWI) for detecting metastases and compared it to other modalities including bone scan. Patients and Methods: Fifteen patients with known primary malignancies with metastases underwent WB MRI, bone scan to detect bone metastases & other modalities to detect soft tissue metastases. For whole body diffusion weighted images (WB DWI), Patients were placed in the supine & feet-first position on the extended patient table platform, allowing covering of most of the body of adult patients from the head to the tibia & the following parameters for a single stack was used: b-value 1,000 mm2 /s, TR(Repetition time)/TE(Echo time)/IR(Inversion recovery) (8773/70/180 ms); field of view(FOV): Right/left 350 mm, anterior/posterior 258 mm, feet/head 420 mm; slice thickness 6 mm; size of reconstructed voxel was 1.56 x1.56 x6 mm. Results: In the 15 patients; bony lesions (detected by bone scan) & soft tissue lesions (detected by other modalities) were detected by WB DWI. Conclusion: WB MRI that included DWI was useful for detecting metastases.