Arthroscopy considered the gold standard diagnosticand therapeutic medium for labral tears. Arthroscopiclabral tears management can be done in supine or lateralpositions. Three standard portals (the anterior, anterolateraland posterolateral portals) are usually sufficient for partiallabrectomy or labral repair. Arthroscopy of hip joint needsinstruments that allows controlled a traumatic penetrationof the periarticular soft tissues, abductor musculature, andhip joint capsule. As the hip arthroscopy is a minimalinvasive procedure, it is effective and safe and has a very lowcomplication rate. But the most common complication istransient neuropraxia that related to traction. Carefulattention to the patient positioning, accurate portalplacement, and proper arthroscopic technique can allcontribute to limiting the complication rate to an absoluteminimum. Rehabilitation still very important step inarthroscopic management of labral tears that the overallgoal remains to return the patient to a preinjury level ofactivity .This involves restoration of normal range of motion,gait, and strength to allow return to functional activity. Inthe athletes the rehabilitation program must also focus onrestoration of power, speed, and agility for optimal return tocompetition.