Cancer registry has a pivotal role in cancer control. Its primary function is the maintenance of a file or register of all cancer cases occurring in a defined population in which the personal particulars of cancer patients and the clinical and pathological characteristics of the cancers, collected continuously and systematically from various data sources, are documented, the registry analyses and interprets such data periodically and provides information on the incidence and characteristics of specific cancers in various segments of the resident population. Such information is the primary resource for planning and evaluating health services for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Cancer registries may be organized on a national, regional or hospital basis, with the first two types of registry able to provide incidence and mortality rates as well as survival rate analysis, hospital registries are not population based and have access to a fewer patients than regional registry and therefore usually only provide survival rate data, however, individual hospital registries in that it is practical for them to collect more detailed information, such as on treatment.