ThesisRole of color Doppler ultrasonography and ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy in evaluation of thyroid nodules
ThesisRole of color Doppler ultrasonography and ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy in evaluation of thyroid nodules
ThesisRole of ultrasound elastography in the differentiation between benign and malignant breast lesions
ThesisRole of ultrasound elastography in the differentiation between benign and malignant breast lesions
ThesisUse of ultrasound quantitative measurements to distinguish between benign and malignant solid breast nodules
ThesisUse of ultrasound quantitative measurements to distinguish between benign and malignant solid breast nodules
ThesisUse of ultrasound quantitative measurements to distinguish between benign and malignant solid breast nodules
ThesisUse of ultrasound quantitative measurements to distinguish between benign and malignant solid breast nodules
ThesisDiagnostic value of sonography, FNAC and genetic alteration in diagnosis of malignant thyroid nodules
ThesisDiagnostic value of sonography, FNAC and genetic alteration in diagnosis of malignant thyroid nodules