Epilepsy is a common, chronic, and disabling neurological disorder thataffects 1-3%of population. Epilepsy, and the treatment thereof, has effects onmany aspects of life, with far-reaching implications for the patient, his family,and the community. it is an important problem from a medical, social, and legalpoint of view. The problems stemming from epileptic seizures are seen in civiland criminal law. Patients with epilepsy have a high prevalence of psychiatricco-morbid disorders which include depression, anxiety disorders, andpsychosis. Epilepsy is associated with an increased risk of injury and mortality.Legal issues must be considered in caring for patients with epilepsy. Doctorscaring for people with epilepsy may be legally involved as targets of liability ormalpractice suits. The possible relationship between an epileptic seizure andcriminal behaviour beyond the misdemeanour level is extremely controversial.