Venous thromboembolism (VTE) remains a significant cause ofmorbidity and mortality. Untreated DVT may lead to long-termmorbidity because of post thrombotic syndrome, recurrent VTE andpulmonary embolism.The identification of patient risk factors for VTE and carefulconsideration of the risks and the benefits associated with availabletherapeutic options provide the basis for the appropriate use andselection of prophylactic therapy in this patient population. Differenttherapies used for thromboprophylaxis in the medically ill patients arediscussed. The use of anticoagulants in pediatric patients can bechallenging, because these patients have physiological differencesthat needs special modifications. Management of Bleeding caused bymisusing anticoagulants or as a side effect is addressed. New therapiesand evolving drugs used for VTE prophylaxis are approached.