Every year more than one billion diarrhea episodes occur among childrenyounger than 5 years of age. Most of cases occur in socioeconomically developingcountries causing 2 to 2.5 million deaths. Over one year from November 2009 toSeptember 2010 the prevalence of enteric viruses and toxin inducing agent werestudied in 80 successive cases of children less than 9 years of age. It was found thatviral etiology was identified in 48.8%, bacterial etiology in 2.5% and mixed in7.5%.Viral etiology was more predominant than bacterial and toxin- mediateddiarrhea in our study. Rotavirus was the most prevalent cause of viralgastroenteritis, contributing to 55.3% of total isolated viruses, and most frequentlyidentified pathogen in urban and rural areas, followed by norovirus, andadenovirus. The peak age group for all viruses including rotavirus was less than 2years.