Ahmad, Abdel-Rahim N., Yousuf, Gamal G., Helal, Umneya M.
Khalil, Ashraf Beshay
2017-03-30 06:23:35
2017-03-30 06:23:35
M.Sc. Thesis
Adolescence is a time of enormous physical and psychological changes for young women. Menstrual disturbances are common and may add further disruption to this difficult phase for adolescents. Adolescence is described as that period of life when the carefree child becomes the responsible adult.The abnormalities of female pubertal development include precocious puberty and delayed puberty. Adolescents suffer also from dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Dysmenorrhea affects up to 50% of menstruating young females. Lastly premenstrual syndrome is a common disorder in this age.