Metwalli, Nermin S. , El-Mougi, Fattma A. , Mahmoud, Nagwa A. , Hafezh, Muna H.
El-Shaer, Tareq Muhammad Farid Abdel-Aziz
2017-03-30 06:20:04
2017-03-30 06:20:04
Short stature is the most common problem in pediatrics. Growth hormone deficiency is the second most important endocrinal cause for short stature in children. In this study 625 child treated with recombinant GH were examined for growth assessments, hormone response and prediction of factors that affect growth velocities. All patients were under –2 SD and their growth velocity was less than 10th centiles for age and sex. Patients were classified into: 1.Growth hormone deficiency, 2.Idiopathic short stature and 3.Turners Syndrome.From this study we conclude that children of GHD have a better chance for height gain. There is no dramatic adverse effect to GH therapy. Girls of Turner syndrome is better to be referred to their growth standards.