Salem, Muhammad A., Sulttan, Entessar E., Kamal-El-Din, Hebat-Allah M.
Shaker, Riham Fakhri
2017-03-30 06:23:31
2017-03-30 06:23:31
M.D. Thesis
Diabetic patients are prone to develop dysfunctions of autonomic nervoussystem. This disturbance is important in the development of diabetic complications e.g. foot ulcerations. The ulceration in diabetic foot usually results from neuropathic damage, tissue ischemia, with superimposed infection. Impaired sympathetic innervations lead to impaired cutaneous v.c to indirect cooling. This reflex affection was the base of our study using laser Doppler to detect the integrity of this (V.C) index response as an important measure of the cutaneous sympathetic nerve function.