Our study included twenty eight AML patients referred to NEMROCK from July 2001 till July 2003. After pretreatment cytogenetic evaluation was done, all patients received induction, and patients that went into remission were randomised to two intentisity different consolidation regimens. The mean age was 38 years, and the male to female ratio was 1:1. The CR was 68%. The OAS rate was 39.3%, and the DFS in patients that achieved CR was 47.4%. The median overall survival in the study population was estimated to be 13 months (95% CI 9-23 months). A trend was found between the cytogenetic evaluation and the outcome of treatment. There was also a trend towards higher levels of toxicity with treatment intensification, with the median overall survival in arm A (intensive treament arm) not reached, and 18 months (95% CI 13-23 months) in arm B. However the difference in survival failed to reach statistical significance (p= 0.274).