The availability of a range of medications that can complement effective surgery, or indeed replace it completely, is of great importance to many women in developed countries, the utility of GnRHa in the treatment of uterine fibroids has been extensively investigated. Studies have demonstrated a consistent and marked reduction in uterine and/ or fibroid volume following treatment with GnRH. Also, anti- progesterone medications, progesterone, androgen, anti-estrogen and natropathic treatment can be used for this purpose.Surgical treatment includes hysteroscopic resection, myomectomy, which is a conservative and minimally invasive procedure performed in relatively young women, laser myomectomy, which is a new method of surgery, laparoscopic myomectomy, laparotomy, which remains the most common and arguably the safest approach for the surgical management of large uterine fibroids by hysterectomy or myomectomy. Hysterectomy (abdominal or vaginal ) is a treatment option for women with fibroids that are giving rise to symptoms, especially menorrhagia and pressure symptoms. Arterial embolization offers a very good option for women who are unwilling to undergo major surgery ( myomectomy or hysterectomy ), lose their uterus or have blood transfusions.MR-guided cryoablation of uterine fibroids, is a new imaging technique that have created new possibilities for treating symptomatic uterine fibroids.