Under certain conditions, use of exogenous surfactant seems to reduce the morbimortality of neonates with pulmonary diseases other than respiratory distress syndrome whose course present dysfunction of the surface active film. It is expected that the continuous advancements in the areas of molecular biology, of recombinant DNA Technology, and of surface sciences will result in biologically compatible preparations, With significant surface properties and different composition for every situation. Recent studies are being aimed at establishing a treatment strategy with exogenous surfactant in order to optimize effects in RDS newborns, and evaluate the actual efficacy in the control of respiratory failure resulting from other pulmonary conditions of the neonatal period, such as meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS), congenital pneumonia, broncho- pulmonary dysplasia (BPD), pulmonary hypoplasia and soon on. In addition, these studies are aimed at investigating the therapeutic potential of new preparations made of phospholipids and synthetic apoproteins. This study aims to clarify the rule of surfactant replacement therapy in neonatal respiratory disorders other than respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Including meconiun aspiration syndrome (MAS), broncho pulmonary dysplsia (BPD), diaphragmatic hernia, congenital pneumonia, pulmonary hypoplasia and acute respiratory failure.