Gad-El-Haq, Mussttafa M. , Radhwan, Tareq A. , El-Khouli, Badawi M.
Mikhaeil, Adel Nassif
2017-03-30 06:21:05
2017-03-30 06:21:05
M.D. Thesis
In human kidney transplantation, a high blood flow established through the graft immediately upon clamp release is usually associated with satisfactory renal function. The central venous pressure was kept between 10-15cm H2O in 20 recipients while the mean pulmonary artery pressure was kept above 20 mmHg in the other 20 recipients during the peri-operative and early post-operative period. These levels were found satisfactory as a guide for good hydration and early post-operative graft function without evidence of pulmonary edema.