
Effect of social marketing campaign on utilization of primary health care services : An intervention study in urban sector of Sharkia Governorate


Last updated: 06 Feb 2023




Family Medicine


Ghubashi, Maha M., Fouda, Muhammad A., Khafagi, Ghada M.


Saeid, Randa Muhammad


2017-07-12 06:42:45


2017-07-12 06:42:45


M.D. Thesis


Objectives: The main objective was to assess the effect of social marketing campaign on the rate of utilization of Primary Health Care (PHC) services in urban sector of Sharkia Governorate. Study design: An intervention study using multi-stage sampling technique and quantitative evaluation through comparing service output indicators and surveys results before and after campaign.Study setting: El-Ebrahemia Family Health Center, El-Ebrahemia City Sharkia Governorate. Study subjects: The same 242 households were targeted during surveys conducted before and after campaign.Intervention: Six months campaign included internal and external marketing seminars, dissemination of promotional materials. EL-Ebrahemia health district, the mosques leaders and the volunteers were partners in the implementation of the campaign. Analysis: Using Paired t test, Chi-square test, McNamar testResult: The campaign was able to increase the utilization of the studied households of all curative services especially 1st aid service from 0% to 17.6%. It was also able to increase the utilization of ANC service from 42% to 53.8% and FP service from 57.0% to 85.5%. It succeeded in increasing coverage of both studied wives with postnatal care service from 0 % to 26.6% and under five children with Well Baby Care Service (WBCS) during 4th and, 5th years of life from 0 % to 23.3%, and 26.5% respectively. The attendance rate of the health education sessions also increased from 6.2% to 43.6%. This was also accompanied with corresponding increase in the service output indicators during and after the campaign.Conclusion and Recommendation: Social marketing was an effective intervention to promote the utilization of El-Ebrahemia FHC curative and preventive services. Based on the results, it is recommended that the use of social marketing activities is an essential step to increase awareness of the served community with the importance and the concept of PHC, which in its turn improve its utilization.


1 Jan 2013





Created At

28 Jan 2023