Objectives: to evaluate the effect of different surface treatments of the fiber post and curing modes of resin cement on the bond strength of glass fiber post to dentin. Materials and Methods: Thirty extracted human upper central incisors were decoronated, endodontically treated, post space prepared and divided into three groups (n=10). After pretreatment of the (FRC Postec Plus) post surface (A) no treatment, (B) silanization, (C) sandblasting + silanization, the posts were divided in to two subgroups (n=5) cement where sub group L: posts cemented using light cure Variolink N and subgroup D: posts cemented using dual cure Variolink N. Push-out tests were performed in a universal testing machine until the post segment was dislodged from the root section. Data were analyzed using ANOVA. Results: Dual curing mode cement group recorded statistically non significant (p> 0.05) higher push out bond strength mean value (5.236 ± 0.6003 Mpa) than light curing mode cement group (4.073 ± 0.8219 MPa). Sandblasting group showed the highest bond strength results on all specimens. Silane treatment showed non-significant difference with no treatment group in dual cure mode only and it showed non-significant difference with the sandblasting + silane group. Highest bond strength was recorded at the coronal region, followed by middle where lowest bond strength values were at the apical specimens. Conclusion: Retention of fiber post in root canal is affected by different surface treatments and the curing modes of dual-curing luting system and root regions.