Purpose: This In-Vitro study compared the shear bond strength between indirect composite and porcelain for veneering a metal substructure. Materials and Methods: twenty-four disks cast in nickel chromium alloy were divided equally into two groups and received different treatments for veneering: Indirect Composite (SR Nexco Paste) was applied on one group of specimens; the control group was veneered using porcelain (IPS Inline). The specimens were tested by a circular interface shear test after 2,500 thermocycles between 5ºC and 55ºC water baths with a dwell time of 20 seconds. The fractured specimens were evaluated to determine the mode of failure by a scanning electron microscope. Results: The mean shear bond strength values (in MPa) after thermocycling was 10.06 for the indirect composite group and 34.94 for the porcelain group. The metal-ceramic group exhibited significantly higher bond strength than the indirect composite group. Conclusion: SR Nexco can be considered as a reliable material for veneering a metal substructure according to ISO 1477 and Matsumura.