Purpose: The purpose of the study was evaluating the effect of different impression techniques (at the implant level) on the vertical marginal gap distance of implant superstructures using two different elastomeric impression materials (poly vinyl siloxane and polyether).Materials and methods: A dentate mandibular model1 used in this study as a standard master model for all impressions simulating free end saddle case (Kennedy classII edentulous ridge).Thermoplastic vinyl surgical template formed over the model. Two implants3.7mm, 4.3mm diameter used for second premolar, second molar. Custom trays fabricated using autopolymerizing acrylic resin 24 hours before impression procedures. Impression materials (poly vinyl siloxane, polyether) used with closed tray and open (non-modified, sandblasted and adhesive coated, splinted copings with duralay) tray impression techniques. Metal framework placed on the abutments after pouring the casts. The vertical marginal gap distance measured for each stone cast using the stereomicroscope.Results: The effect of impression techniques on the vertical gap distance of implant superstructures revealed no significant difference between poly vinyl siloxane and polyether impression materials. Significant difference found between closed tray and open tray (non-modified transfer copings) and (sandblasted, adhesive coated) impression techniques. Insignificant difference found between open tray impression technique with sandblasted, adhesive coated transfer copings and splinted with duralay copings.Conclusions: Insignificant difference found between open tray impression technique with sandblasted, adhesive coated transfer copings and splinted with duralay copings using either poly vinyl siloxane or polyether impression material.