Aim: The aim of the present study was to compare three newly introducedresin based root canal sealers ; Perma Evolution, 2Seal and MetaSeal as regards Nanoleakage ( qualitative TEM, quantitative EDAX ) and Shear bond strength.Methodology: one hundred twenty collected teeth were divided into two main groups each containing sixty teeth. Each main group was further subdivided intothree subgroups, each containing 20 teeth according to the type of tested sealer subgroup (A- Perma Evolution, B- 2Seal and C- MetaSeal).(Nanoleakage Evaluation): 50 wt% ammoniacal silver nitrate stainingtechnique was used to examine apical leakage. The samples from each group werelongitudinally sectioned in bucco-lingual direction. One half of each specimen wasqualitatively evaluated by Transmission electron microscope (TEM) for sectionswere cut every 1mm till reaching 4mm from the apex. Randomly, five halves fromeach sub-group were selected to be quantitatively evaluated by Energy dispersiveX-ray spectroscopy. Group II (Shear bond strength Evaluation): Shear bondstrength test was applied on the circular interface between sealer and dentin surfaceby Instron testing machine.Results: Group I (Nanoleakage): Qualitative evaluation was determined according to four patterns. The mostpenetrated appear as patter (4) silver band followed by pattern (3) water treesfollowed by pattern (2) reticular and less penetrated appear as pattern (1) spotted.The Silver band occure at apical 1 and 2 mm of Perma Evolution and Metaseal andapical 1mm of 2Seal. The water trees occure at apical 2mm of 2Seal apical 3mm ofMetaSeal. The reticular occure at apical 3mm of Perma Evolution and 2 Seal. Thespotted occur at apical 4mm of Perma Evolution, 2Seal and MetaSeal.Quantitative evaluation of Silver penetration at apical 1mm is highest forMetaSeal and less in Perma Evolution followed by 2Seal. Silver penetration atapical 2mm is highest for MetaSeal and less in 2Seal followed by PermaEvolution. The apical 3 and 4 mm are the same ratio as apical 1mm.Group II (shear bond strenght): The Perma Evolution showed the highest shear bond strength. The 2 Sealshowed less adhesion followed by MetaSeal.Conclusion: Epoxy-resin based sealer (2Seal and Perma Evolution) produces better sealingand adhesion to the root canal dentin when compared to the methacrylate based sealer (MetaSeal).