This is a prospective randomized study of induction paclitaxel and cisplatin followed by standard radiotherapy (arm I, 17 patients) vs hyper fractionated radiotherapy and cisplatin as radio sensitizer (arm II, 16 patients) for patients with unresectable stage IIIA and IIIB NCSLC. The aim of this work is to determine response rate, duration of response, survival, and evaluation of pattern of local and distant failure and assessment of the treatment toxicity. Regarding the response and survival, the overall response rate in arm I was 47% (all were PR no CR), 29.4 % MR, 11.7% SD and 11.7% PD. The median time to disease progression free was 8 months, the median survival duration was 11 months and the overall survival rate was 40%. In arm II the overall response was37.5% (all were PR no CR) 43% MR, 18.7% SD and no PD. The median time to disease progression free was 7.5 months, the median survival duration was 8 months and the overall survival rate was 36%. . Compared to arm I results no statistically significant difference was found in the response and overall survival rates among both groups, also the difference in disease-free survival was statistically insignificant.