Trauma is the fourth most common cause of death in thepopulation less than 45 years of age. Conventional open surgery isassociated with significant morbidity and long convalescence.Laparoscopic surgery has been widely used as a minimally invasivesurgery to treat diverse benign diseases such as benign gall bladderdisease. Laparoscopy can be a valuable diagnostic tool in identifyingdiaphragmatic injury. It is best suited for those hemodynamically stable,asymptomatic patients who are at risk for diaphragmatic injury but whohave no other indication for abdominal exploration.The benefit of laparoscopic surgery in comparison with opensurgery have been suggested with respect to decreased morbidity,decreased pain, faster recovery and shorter hospital stay.Conclusion: In our study we compared between CT andDiagnostic laparoscopy in detection of diaphragmatic injury. The CTcouldn’t detect any injury but laparoscopy detected 5 injuries and used totreat one of them. There was no relation between mode of trauma, age ofthe patients, site of trauma and diaphragmatic injury. There is significantdifference between the CT findings and diaphragmatic injury as detectedby laparoscopy. So, clinical and radiographic findings can be unreliable atdetecting occult diaphragmatic injury. Diagnostic laparoscopy provides avital tool for detecting occult diaphragmatic injury among patients whohave no other indications for formal exploration.