Despite development of numerous technologies, the surgical correction of presbyopia remains a challenge. Procedures such as Conductive Keratoplasty, Monovision Lasik, Monovision Refractive lens exchange, multifocal intraocular lenses and Accommodative IOLs have met with limited success and poor patient satisfaction, galre and haloes.Procedures on the scelra, such as the implantation of sclera expansion bands or laser- assisted Presbyopia reversal, could have a significant place in the future, but the technology needs further development. Also approach is complicated, largerly untested, and seems "more surgical" than is necessary.For several years, Lasik has been the most popular surgical approach to correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmayism. It is a corneal procedure familiar to surgeons and patients, and it is popular because it can be performed bilaterally on the same days, is relatively quick and painless, and has proven to be safe.Multifocally is created on the cornea using a multistep treatment in which several independently calculated ablations are performed at varios optical zones.