The aim of the study: was to compare sublingual misoprostol tointravenous oxytocin in the management of the third stage of labour.Subjects and methods: The study sample was sixty women. After deliveryof the baby and clamping of the cord, women were randomised intoMisoprostol, Oxytocin, and Control groups. Duration of the third stage,Blood loss within the first hour after delivery, the need for additionaloxytocics, Side effects, haemoglobin and haematocrit value were collected.Results: The present comparative study has failed to show any significantdifference between the three groups regarding the duration of the third stage of labour, the amount of blood loss, the change in Haemoglobin andHaematocrit levels from prenatal to 12 hours postpartum, the need foradditional therapeutic uterotonic drugs, the occurrence of complications and the need for blood transfusion. This may be attributed to the small sample size. Larger sample size should be used. Conclusion: Larger sample size should be used in further studies. To date oxytocin is the drug of choice in the management of the third stage of labour, and every effort should be made to make it widely accessible. Misoprostol is an option when oxytocin is not available.