Back ground; Family physicians are not well recognized by the public for whatthey are and what they do. Patients have a hard time differentiating familymedicine from other primary care physician specialties, notably notdistinguishing clearly between family medicine and general internal medicine.Aim of the work; to assess knowledge of sample of Egyptian population,residents of family medicine other specialties residents and medical studentsabout family medicine.Methodology; A cross sectional analytic study was carried out in Kasr Al Ainyhospital mainly and the Egyptian fellowship, to include the following groups:residents of family medicine, residents of other specialties, medical students,patients and normal population from the community.Results; Family medicine is not well recognized by medical students, residentsof other specialties and normal population. Most of the students thought thatfamily physicians at higher status in the quality of care presented than generalinternist.Most of family medicine residents were from family medicine fellowship(56.0%) and most of them were satisfied with their specialty. About quarter ofthe residents of other specialties (26.0%) did not know the characteristics offamily medicine specialty and some of them considered family medicine as animportant specialty (34.0%).Patients group know about family medicine specialty (56.0%) more thanNormal population group (38.0%).Conclusion; people, medical students and even residents of other specialtieshave poor idea or no idea at all about family medicine specialty. Recommendation; Family medicine should be promoted by different facultydepartments, more training of family physicians, more researches should bedone about the situation of family medicine and more care should be given forproper filing and affordable services, to motivate people to select and preferfamily physician.