Glomerulonephritis (GN) remains as a major cause of morbidity and mortalityfrom renal disease in many parts of the world, particularly in the tropical andsubtropical regions. According to several local registries and sporadic publications, itseems to be responsible for 23.2 to 58.4% of patients on regular dialysis in thetropics, compared to contemporary figures of around 16-18% in the United States and9-15% in Europe. Its prevalence among dialysis patients in Egypt has been reportedas 16.6% in 1998.The incidence of biopsy proven GN varies in different geographical areas, isaffected by socioeconomic condition, race, indication for renal biopsy and differencesin genetic susceptibility and environmental exposure. Recent studies reported achanging pattern of incidence of GN in different parts of the world.Our study aimed to obtain a comprehensive review of the incidence of biopsyproven glomerulonephritis in Cairo University hospital over the last 5 years from July2003-July 2008. (924 renal biopsies). The mean age was 26.5+14.6 years. As regardgender: 437 male and 487 female patients.In our retrospective study focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis [FSGS] wasthe most frequent morphological pathology encountered (21.1%), followed bymesangial proliferative GN (18.9%), diffuse proliferative GN (14%), focalproliferative GN (12.8%), membranous nephropathy (10.9%), membrano –proliferative GN (8.1%), minimal changes disease (8.1%), renal amyloidosis (5.7%)and lastly diabetic nephropathy (0.2%). Lupus nephritis was reported in 264 casesfrom 924 biopsies (28.6 %); in which class III was the most frequent classencountered (30.3%), followed by class II (28.8 %), class IV (27.7 %), class V (13.3%).