Using axial images with reconstruction capabilities weatherCT or MRI proved extremely useful in the assessment ofnon-traumatic causes of SAH with high diagnostic efficiencythat reasonably reduced the need for conventional catheterangiography with its possible side effects. Non-invasivetechniques such as CTA and MRA have proved to beaccurate in aneurysm detection which is the most commoncauses of SAH. The sensitivity of CTA and MRA in thedetection of intracranial aneurysms which are the mostcommon causes of SAH depends on the narrow collimationfor CTA and sub-mm slice thickness for MRA. Combinedevaluation of the source images with the reconstructed(MIP-MPR-SSD) further improves aneurysm detection. Tosum up, CTA and MRA provide several advantages overDSA, these include reduced the possibility of arterial injury.3D-CTA/MRA remains superior in anatomical depiction ofthe surrounding structures. Both methods have their ownweakness that may cause problems during the evaluation ofSAH but they also have their strengths that may provebeneficial to us if used in combination. Moreover,considering the continuous improvement upgrading of thetechnology; the future will definitely overcome the currentshortages in both techniques and provide us with an easy,rapid and highly accurate radiological techniques hopefullyin the nearby future.