Hypotensive anesthesia offers a dry surgical field and may reduce blood lossand hence the need for transfusion. The influence of hypotensive anesthesia onsplanchnic perfusion is ground for research. With the acknowledgment that almost allanesthetic techniques reduce liver blood flow, it would seem wise that duringprocedures performed under hypotensive anesthesia, where further reduction of liverblood flow may be detrimental, that the techniques and the agents used should bethose that have the least effect on liver blood flow, and on hepatocellular integrity.The aim of this work is to assess hepatocellular integrity during hypotensiveanesthesia, using more specific and sensitive markers [ and ] GST andhyaluronate, comparing sevoflurane and propofol, both with relatively less predictablehepatic insult, in an attempt to find out the best anesthetic agent and technique andrecommend it during such procedures.We conclude that sevoflurane anaesthesia is associated with a transientincrease in plasma GST concentrations reflecting a minor degree of impairedhepatocellular integrity especially during hypotensive anaesthesia.