UBM is a new imaging technique that uses high frequency ultrasound toproduce images of the eye at near microscopic resolution. UBM probe with a 50MHz transducer achieves a resolution of approximately 50 microns and hastissue penetration of 4-5 mm. Thus it allows detailed observation of the anteriorsegment of the eye in a way that helped us in studying different effects of theblunt trauma on the eye, especially the hidden areas. UBM can be used todetect the presence of cyclodialysis and the determine its extent together withthe presence of suprachoroidal effusion irrespective of optic media condition asUBM appearance of traumatic cyclodialysis is typical and diagnostic. The onlyway to detect hemorrhage on the back of the iris was with the use of UBM.Anterior vitreous separation was a universal finding demonstrated by UBMwhether or not associated with other complications. We recommend that eacheye with more than mild ocular trauma should undergo UBM for the detection ofanterior hyaloid separation as a diagnostic and prognostic factor for subsequentretinal complications in traumatic cases. UBM is especially superior to othermethods in the evaluation of angle recession. Other than being safe and noninvasive, greater accuracy and ease of performance are its advantages overconventional methods. However, being limited with only the anterior segmentevaluation is the main disadvantage of UBM in evaluating traumatized eyes.