The incidence of cervical Mycoplasma hominis (Mh) and Ureaplasmaurealyticum (Uu) was investigated in 40 female patients with suspected cervicitis whohad attended the gynecologic out-patient clinic in Cairo University Hospital (Kasr Al-Aini), faculty of Medicine, Cairo, Egypt, between September 2006 and June 2007.Age ranged from 18 to 54 years (mean 31 years). Chlamydia trachomatis wasinvestigated in 20 randomly selected patients out of the 40 studied group. Mh wasfound in 12 (30 %) women while Uu was found in 23 (57.5 %). Women co-infectedwith both Mh and Uu were 11 (27.5 %). Women found to be positive for Mh and / orUu were 24 (60 %) while those who were negative for both were 16 (40 %).Chlamydia was found in 14 (70 %) of the Chlamydia-tested group, 2 out of 14 hadpure Chlamydia infection. Mh infection was significantly associated with history ofspontaneous abortion, (P= .04). And with MPC (P= .05). Mh infection wassignificantly found more common among women with history of previousgynecologic operations (P=.01). Women with Mh high titre were significantly moreoften in the proliferative phase of their menstrual cycle, whereas women with Mh lowtitre were more often in their secretory phase, (P= .04). Women with Mh complainingof resistant infection were significantly having a high titre. (P= .02). There was asignificant relationship between Uu infection and the use of IUD as a contraceptionmethod. (P= .03).