Aim of the work:The aim of this work is to study the prevalence of HCV among patients admitted to the rheumatology ward, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Department, Cairo University hospitals. Patients and Methods:157 patients admitted to the rheumatology Department, Cairo University between January 1st and June 30th, 2009 were included in this study. All of them were subjected to the following:•Detailed History taking and thorough clinical examination, routine laboratory data including ESR, CBC, liver function tests, kidney function tests and auto-antibodies.•All patients were screened for HCV antibodies (Anti-HCV) using ELISA technique, when needed, other laboratory tests such as HCV-RNA, cryoglobulins etc, were done.Results:29 out of 157 patients (18.5%) were positive for HCV antibody. 18 patients of them (62%) were admitted primary due to rheumatic disease and concomitantly associated with HCV antibodies. On the other hand, 11 patients (38%) were admitted mainly due to rheumatic extra-hepatic manifestations, which represent 7% of all patients admitted to the Rheumatology ward during the time period of the study. Arthritis, palpaple Purpura, digital gangrene, mononeuritis multiplex were the most common causes of admission related to chronic HCV infection. 71.4% of patients with positive HCV antibody had active viremia (positive PCR-RNA).Conclusion:Chronic HCV infection represents a leading cause of admission to the rheumatology ward, Cairo University Hospitals. Increased awareness with the problem of HCV is needed among rheumatologists dealing with Egyptian patients.