Fundus imaging has become an integral part of ophthalmologypractice. the image landscape extent can be small-angle or wideangleand most standard cameras provide small-angle viewing,whereas a few specialized systems that provide wide-angleviewing include Pomerantzeff equator plus camera, RetCam™,Panoret™, Optos™, and manual montage or auto-montage onstandard cameras. Most of these use transpupillary illuminationtechniques. Those that use the transcleral technique includePomerantzeff and Panoret™ systems.None of these modalities can compare to the ultra-wide views ofup to 200° provided by the Optos 200Tx scanning laserophthalmoscope (Optos PLC, Dunfermline, United Kingdom). Butperhaps even more valuable than the wider range of field, itsimages are captured simultaneously.The technology has unveiled new insights regarding the role ofperipheral pathology in retinal vascular, degenerative andinflammatory diseases.The use of UWFFA as a basis for improving treatment patterns byidentifying areas of nonperfusion as a means for better targetingand applications of more precise laser therapy (targeted retinalphotocoagulation).