Congenital hypertelorism is part of a complex malformation producedby incomplete medial migration of the lateral elements of the upper and themidface. Orbital hypertelorism signifies an increased distance between bothmedial sides and lateral sides of the orbits. According to the interorbitaldistance: first degree, 30 to 34 mm; second degree, greater than 34 mm withnormal shape and orientation of the orbits; third degree, greater than 40 mm.Bony measurements on plain radiographs or computed tomographic (CT) scansaccurately document bony interorbital distance (BIOD) and correlate withdirect intraoperative measurements. In the present study 10 patients aregrouped according to the BIOD and operated upon by two techniques, thecombined intra-extra cranial approach with total orbital mobilization and theintracranial approach with hemiorbital mobilization. Hemiorbital mobilizationproved to be effective in moderate to severe orbital hypertelorism. In severecases with exaggerated cranial width total orbital mobilization is preferred tocorrect the facial deformity. Both techniques proved to be safe and effectivewith stable results. The Hemiorbital mobilization proved to be effective inmoderate to severe cases with less operative time and without any majorcomplications except minor infection in one case.