Ophthalmologic consultation is required at the start of treatment withpsoralen photochemotherapy and should be repeated yearly or more often ifthere are abnormal findings. Studying ocular changes that might develop due toexposure to different types of phototherapy and photochemotherapy used inPhototherapy Unit Dermatology Department, Faculty of Medicine CairoUniversity in a trial to evaluate the currently used doses and methods ofprotection. Methods The study included 57 patients ;42 patients withvitiligo,7patients with psoriasis,5 patients with mycosis fungoides ,one patientwith lichen sclerosis et atrophica,one patient with parapsoriasis and one patientwith alopecia areata. 30 patients received PUVA,20 patients received NB UVBand 7 patients received combined PUVA rays(which includes PUVA+NBUVB(3 patients)or PUVA +BBUVB(3 patients) or topical PUVA +NBUVB(onepatient)..Patients were of both sexes, 45 females and 12 males.Their age rangedfrom 11 to 79 years , and most of them were skin types III and IV. All patientswere treated in phototherapy unit, Dermatology Department, Kasr Al AinyHospital by different phototherapeutic modalities. Result and conclusion; inthis work we found that the diminution in VA was significant in patients treatedwith PUVA, and in patients treated with combined PUVA; but not in NBUVBpatients. There was no increase in cataract risk in patients treated withphototherapy and photochemotherapy, however some sporadic cases werereported after treatment.The incidence of these changes might be related to otherfactors ,but the effect of PUVA can not be excluded. There was no significantchange in anterior or posterior eye segments in our study group. Duration ofexposure to various modalities of treatment did not increase the risk ofdeveloping any ocular complications except with combined PUVA where asignificant correlation was found between VA decrease and duration oftreatment. We could therefore conclude that patients receiving PUVA andcombined PUVA developed significant unexplained (mostly mild)diminution ofvision This diminution was not related to duration of treatment or age ofpatients.Patients receiving NBUVB showed no significant decrease of VA .Thisindicates that NBUVB is safer as regards effect on eye. Furthermore ;there wasno significant increase in risk of development of cataract; anterior or posteriorsegment changes in all modalities of treatment.