Objectives: Comparative study between two groups of patients: 30infertile anovulatory and 30 fertile ovulatory patients to assess the stromaland uterine blood flow to the ovary and their relation to ovulation.Methods: Doppler analysis of the uterine arteries and ovarian stromalblood flow was performed by transvaginal ultrasound in these two groups ofpatients. Results: Vascularization of ovarian stroma in the polycystic ovarysyndrome patients (PCOS) was more abundant than in control women, butno significant difference in uterine artery indices, and resistance indices,peak systolic indices of stromal blood flow, but there were a significantdiffernece in the mean pulsatility indices of stromal blood flow andendomterial thickness between two groups. We believed that assessment of ovarian and uterine vascularity mightadd greater understanding of the ovarian hemodynamic changes totraditional endocrinologic and ultrasonographic findings of PCOD, suchinformation may provide an answer why many anovulatory cases especiallyPCOS patients are resistant to available treatment regimens