For a long time, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation was anexperimental procedure associated with high transplant related morbidityand mortality, so it was offered only for patients with terminalmalignancies who had no other options for cure. However, with improvedpatient selection, advances in supportive, improved prevention of graftversus host disease, the introduction of mobilized peripheral bloodprogenitor cells, and the innovation of reduced intensity conditioningregimens; the results of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation havecontinued to improve. Thereby, bone marrow transplantation is nowapplied to a long list of non malignant diseases with a wide range ofresults depending on the disease, the type of transplant, and the stage ofthe disease. For some of the diseases HSCT has proven to be the mosteffective therapy, whereas for others it is the only curative treatment. Theaim of this work is to thoroughly evaluate the role of HSCT in thetreatment of different non malignant diseases and to place such anaggressive approach in the algorithm of their management.