Patient safety is a critical component to the quality of health care. Ashealth care organizations strive to improve their quality of care, there is agrowing recognition of the importance of establishing a culture of patientsafety. The aim of this study was to assess the culture of patient safetywithin one of the governmental hospitals in Giza Governorate. Descriptivecross sectional study was conducted in Om-El massryeen general hospitalover a period of three months using an AHRQ adapted questionnaire.Hospital staff stratification was done into four main job categories;physicians, nurses, technical and administrative staff. The survey wascompleted and returned by two hundred and five (205) hospital staff fromdifferent categories. Eighteen (18) surveys were excluded from this studyso the net number of the surveys entered in this study was one hundredeighty seven (187)The survey measured fourteen (14) dimensions related to the aspectsof safety culture through 44 items in addition to seven (7) items asbackground variables related to the staff demographics. Internalconsistency reliabilities were examined for 12 safety cultures dimensionsand found to have an acceptable reliability and the last two are single-itemdimensions used to check the validity.There are only two dimensions show positivity above 50% whichwere Organizational Learning and Continuous Improvement 53% andTeamwork within Hospital Units 66%. The rest of the dimensions arebelow 50% with the lowest positivity in three dimensions which are the non-punitive response to errors is 22%, the frequency of event reporting is23% and hospital hands-offs and transition is 25 %.