The essential goal of meniscal repair is protecting the knee from long term degenerative changes by the cushion like and stabilizing effect of the menisci. This work was done on 30 cases divided into two equal groups to study meniscal repair and its results using two different methods of repair (all inside fast fix anchors & inside-out suturing technique) applied arthroscopically, in order to evaluate the best method for meniscal repair &healing. In the two groups studied, meticulous selection was done with clinical examination playing a major role in suspecting tears. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was a major diagnostic tool that helped tear identification as well as identification of ligamentous injuries and other associated knee problems. Patient age and time elapsed from injury was recorded for every case being important factors that might affect repair outcome dramatically. The site, length & zone of tear were observed. All pre & postoperative data were documented according to the international knee documentation committee (IKDC).