The gene of Clara cell secretory protein (CC16) is located on long arm of chromosome11 and is an ideal candidate for involvement in an inherited predisposition to asthma owing toits chromosomal location, nature and function.We assessed CC16 profile in a group of Egyptian asthmatic infants and childrenthrough screening of genetic polymorphism of CC16 with special emphasis on the relation ofmeasured parameters to different clinical (severity, smoking, family history, other atopicmanifestations) and laboratory data (IgE-peripheral blood eosinophil count) and pulmonaryfunction tests. Sixty seven asthmatic Children aged 1yr to 12yr and matched control group of32 children were recruited for the present study.The genotype analysis of patients and controls revealed a significant statisticaldifference in the expression of the different genotypes between both of them. As there was adifference in the frequency of expression of the wild homozygous G/G genotype which waslower in cases (23.9%) than in controls (81.3%), also there was a significant difference in thefrequency of heterozygous A/G genotype which was nearly 3 folds in cases (55.2%) incomparison with the control patients (18.8%).In conclusion, CC16 (A/G) polymorphism is associated with risk of developingasthma in children, while the G/G genotype (wild type) is being protective against theexpression of asthma.